MANHASSET, NEW YORK, AUGUST 7, 2019 Melvina J. Newman of Sioux Falls, South Dakota has been celebrated as a Woman of the Month for July 2019 and as a VIP Member for 2019 by P.O.W.E.R. (Professional Organization of Women of Excellence Recognized) for her outstanding contributions and achievements in the field of real estate. Each month P.O.W.E.R. features women to represent their professions and industries due to their expertise and success in their chosen specialty. VIP Members are important women who exemplify tenacity. They realize that in order to reach their goals, they must never give up and continue to strive to become influential in their profession.
Mrs. Melvina J. Newman is a Property Manager of the Prairie Tree Homeowner’s Association in Sioux Falls, South Dakota. She manages the Homeowner’s Association. Melvina is responsible for bookkeeping and ensures all restrictions are adhered to by members.
Mrs. Newman is a member of the Business and Professional Women, served as State President and served on several National Committees. She is a Member of the Sioux Falls Area Chamber of Commerce, South Dakota Floral Association, South Dakota Advocacy Network for Families, Soroptimist International and served as Facilities and Registration Chairman for a National Women’s Conference. She has been recognized as the BPW Woman of the Year and received the YWCA Leader Award in the business category. She is listed in Who’s Who of American Women, and received first place in the BPW Individual Development Speaking Course in South Dakota and third place at National. Melvina has also served as a United Way Campaign worker, Public Relations Chairman of the Chamber and was the Judge for community activities including Future Homemakers, the Snowflake contest, Children’s Parade, YW Leader Awards, and Business & Professional Women business award.
Melvina is also affiliated with and served as Past President of the Cosmopolitan Diabetes Association-International. She has received many awards in Cosmopolitan International including Cosmopolitan of the Year in her Club and Federation, Member Community Service Award at the Club, Federation and International levels, and the Patrick J. Hodgins Award which is the highest Cosmopolitan award in the organization. Melvina won this prestigious award at the Club, Federation and International levels. She has also been showcased on the famous Reuters Billboard in Times Square in New York City.
After obtaining an A.A. degree in Business, Melvina started her career in the legal field as an office manager and legal assistant. She then became Vice President of Finance for a chemical company, Financial Officer for Pure Water Specialists, Manager of a rural water system and South Dakota District Manager for the American Diabetes Association. Melvina was the owner of a drive-in restaurant and then owned her own floral and gift shop retail business. After many years in the retail business, Melvina knew it was time for a change. A customer suggested she look into management of a homeowner’s association as he felt her background would be a benefit.
Melvina Newman believes that her organizational skills and her ability to balance work along with community involvement are two of her most outstanding qualities. She lists her father, George Laible as the person who most influenced her life/career.
“Believe in yourself, always do your very best, and reach for the stars.”—Melvina J. Newman