Our online store enables members to post and sell their products (jewelry, books, clothing, artwork, travel etc.…) They will be able to hyperlink an image of their item, provide a brief description and add a link to their online store (Amazon, Etsy, eBay or website).
Becoming a Mentor is a powerful way to inspire and guide others to be the best they can be. Share your knowledge and experience to help others achieve their life’s goals. Research shows that mentoring provides young people with important connections that lead to increased social and economic opportunity, particularly the 18 million youth in America who are at-risk for becoming disconnected from school and work. Become a mentor to our youth or other members.
We give our members the opportunity to nominate or refer a friend, colleague or associate to be part of our organization. Please consider those who are looking to empower, inspire and help others to become the best they can be.
Our career and business section is designed for members to share opportunities with one another. We encourage members to list position openings, intern opportunities, even on-the-job training.