MANHASSET, NEW YORK, APRIL 28, 2021 Dr. Maureen E. Marshall-Jeffers of Tinton Falls, New Jersey has been celebrated as a Woman of the Month for February 2021 by P.O.W.E.R. (Professional Organization of Women of Excellence Recognized) for her outstanding achievements and high level of success in the field of education.  Each month P.O.W.E.R. features women to represent their professions and industries due to their expertise and success in their chosen specialty.


After more than 30 years of teaching, Dr. Maureen Marshall-Jeffers retired in 2015.  She is a lifelong Educator/Administrator.  She taught elementary and middle school.  She served as an administrator and team teacher and was responsible for peer to peer mentoring.  Dr. Marshall-Jeffers recognizes herself as one resource and has utilized a plethora of modalities to tap into various learning styles of her students, her future leaders.  She is a poised, eloquent, empathetic, concerned individual who reflects “High Expectations” for all students, peers, and all she has the privilege to serve.

Dr. Marshall-Jeffers received a B.S. in Education from CUNY Medgar Evers College, graduating in three years.  In her senior year, she participated in a protest for daycare and equality for women students at the College which resulted in victory.  She earned an Ed.D. from the College of New Rochelle in 2003.  Dr. Marshall-Jeffers belongs to the N.E.A. and the A.S.C.D.  Maureen was recently showcased on the famous Reuters Billboard in Times Square in New York City

Dr. Marshall-Jeffers began her educational career in Trinidad/Tobago teaching early childhood.  While residing in St. Croix, she dabbled in fashion design and tailoring.  Her mother was a fashion designer and seamstress who saw her daughter’s interest in fashion and enrolled her in a fashion school at age eleven.  She is known to have an eye for coordinating colors which is quite extraordinary.  Maureen studied piano music, both theory and practical, which trained her to be very focused and disciplined.  She strongly believes that children should be exposed to various disciplines in “The Arts” including instrumental music, singing, dance and drama as it helps them to be socially well-rounded.

As an Educator, “born to serve”, Maureen Marshall-Jeffers was embedded with the natural tendency to educate beyond the walls of the classroom, or constraints of textbook or worksheets.  She intertwined her students and her daily experiences as the canvas for learning.

As an avid traveler whose many adventurous experiences and exposure to the world have empowered her to embrace aspects of all culture, Maureen, knows that the world is the “best classroom.”

As an entrepreneur, and an avid philanthropist, Dr. Marshall-Jeffers has an inquisitive appetite for learning about international cultures including their basic lifestyle, culinary food, music, religion and education.  She attributes her passion for travel to her high school years studying world history.  She learned basic Mandarin, studied Castilian Spanish, and speaks French when necessary.  She has traveled extensively to most Caribbean countries and Europe, England, Austria, Switzerland, (where her brother resides with his family), France, and the Netherlands.  In 2019 she visited Milan, Italy.  She also cruised the Bahamas with family and friends that same year.  In 2020, Dr. Marshall-Jeffers visited Grenada, her parents’ birthplace, especially to visit her Aunt, (her mother’s sister).  Her birthplace, Trinidad/Tobago, was the next port of call where she reunited with her siblings and their offspring.

Maureen embraces life in many capacities.  She loves challenges, music and singing, (Gospel, Ballads and Calypso).  She also serves as a Wedding/Fashion Consultant, Counselor and philanthropic supporter.  Her belief is that “learning never ends; I’m open to learning, all children can and will learn”.

Born in “the land of the humming bird,” Trinidad/Tobago, Maureen first migrated to St. Croix, Virgin Islands where she met and married her spouse.  She is a dedicated wife and mother of two successful young men, professionals in the scientific field.  She publicly thanks her husband and her children for their support as she accomplished her childhood dream.

Dr. Marshall-Jeffers states that her parents, Ronald and Dorothy Marshall, were very influential and supportive with decisions she made in pursuing higher education to the highest degree obtainable.  Her parents migrated to The United States of America in their early sixties in order to assist the family with the children while Maureen attended undergraduate school.  Her parents also registered into a health program and obtained licenses as Nursing Assistants.  Her fun-loving, comical Dad passed away seven months before she received her Bachelor’s Degree in Science.  Maureen’s mother lived and enjoyed life extensively.  Dorothy was an avid reader, traveled to various States and toured Europe.  She loved adventure and life.  She was a dedicated leader, who was compassionate and sincerely concerned for family, friends, and strangers.  Maureen admired her mother’s tenacity to achieve knowledge.  She pays tribute to her parents, especially her mother, who guided her household well and recently departed this world.

One chapter of Maureen’s exciting life has ended, but the memories are embedded.  After forty seven years of marriage, she became a widow in early 2018.  It was their perspective plan after her retirement to travel specifically to Africa and Asia in order to perform humanitarian and academic services to children and adults.  However, Abba Father has another plan for Maureen’s life.  She is so very grateful that He enabled her to be the caregiver for her mother two years ago, and her husband for seventeen months.

Dr. Marshall-Jeffers plans to continue as an educator and open a school of fine arts for children beginning at age 3.  In her retirement, Maureen enjoys travel, singing in the Church choir and her role as the Educational Director of her Church.

“Discipline is the bridge between goals and accomplishment.” — Jim Rohn

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